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ROB Part 2: Get your house in order by implementing your rhythm of business

The first step of developing a strong internal rhythm of business (ROB) is by documenting your current landscape. We took a look at how to do this in ROB Part 1: Establishing a strong rhythm of business is your shortcut to operational excellence.

But after you’ve documented the state of your current ROB, you’ll move from observing to action.

Getting your house in order

In this phase, you become more active by taking the actual steps required to get your internal house in order.

The approach of these next phases allows you to:

Optimize ROB

Start by determining the objectives you want to reach with your new ROB using your current state documentation as a guide.

Objectives will vary based on your specific circumstances, but we’ve found that an optimized ROB serves a set of universal objectives. Feel free to steal ours below!

Your path to optimization will be easier once you’ve explicitly stated your objectives. You can use these objectives to help drive decisions — but you’ll also leverage them to get buy-in from stakeholders, like your leadership team.

Tell your team’s story through the lens of your ROB

Tie this work to the goals of your people and organization. Change is hard — so change their hearts first, and their actions will follow.

By weaving a story that shows the benefits and opportunities for everyone, you’ll ensure buy-in and commitment.

Precisely outline what changes will be made

Think about what rhythms or meetings you want to restructure, remove, or add. Have an explicit reason for doing so. Explain the objective, a description of the meeting/change, and the format.

Include a timeline & next steps for your team. Make this process as real and tangible as possible.

Perform your due diligence

If they’re involved early & often, your LT will become your biggest supporters. We’ve seen ROB efforts succeed and fail solely based on a leadership team’s buy-in.

An easy way to ensure this is by interviewing them. They will have strong opinions about the best way forward. They’re a great source of knowledge about what is a valuable use of time, what gaps exists, and what can be removed. Show them what changes you want to make and see what they say.

If you incorporate any of their feedback into your plan, explicitly call it out when presenting to the broader team. This builds trust and visibility, both objectives of your optimized ROB. It also shows the rest of the team the collaborative nature of your process.

Continue your ROB journey with our series:

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